Eric has been an avid Magic fan and player since re-discovering the game in 2012. He is a Red mage at heart but likes to confuse himself with the varying decision trees presented by mid-range and control decks from time to time. Eric plays mostly casually with his 9-year-old daughter, but manages to get out for every prerelease and a few FNM's and GP's every year. Please reach out to me on twitter @edubious Watch my Twitch stream at

RNA Standard Week 4 – And We Have A Grand Prix!

Thank you for joining me this week on the Strictly Standard Meta Report.  We don’t have any Star City Games events to go through, but that doesn’t mean there’s no tournament lists to go through. In fact, we have quite the opposite this week, as there were two officially sponsored Wizards of the Coast tournaments!  The first was the Magic Online Championship Series on February 13th, and the second is our first look at major Professional Standard Magic since the release of Ravnica Allegiance at MagicFest Memphis.  I won’t bury the lead by trying to go in chronological order, so let’s

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RNA Standard Week 3 – Looping Nexi

Thanks for joining me again on this Strictly Standard stroll through Ravnica Allegiance Standard meta update.  This week we get to take a stroll through the weekly Magic Online Standard League 5-0 results as well as a full Star City Games Open and the Star City Games Classic from Sunday.  Last week we saw the meta settling into a solid groove with the total number of unique decks in the Magic Online 5-0 posts dropping. Will that trend hold pat for this week, or will we see a bump in the number of decks that a weekend of results and brewer’s innovation can

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RNA Standard Week 2 – It’s Still Krasis’ Show

Welcome back again to the Strictly Standard meta report. After the breakout of Krasis decks in the opening week of the new format, we get a chance to see how the meta has adapted.  With results from two Magic Online Competitive Standard League 5-0 posts to go through as well as Star City Games Team Open and Classic events in Baltimore it’s looking like RNA Standard is finally settling into its groove. Checking in on tournaments at Star City Games Baltimore, the Team Open repped 287 teams for a grand total of 861 players. Winning in the Standard slot was

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RNA Standard – Week 1 Results and “How’d I Do?”

Welcome to week 1 of Ravnica Allegiance Standard! And welcome back to the Strictly Standard meta report series where we dive into the past week’s Magic Online decklists and weekend tournament results. It was release weekend, so no WotC sponsored paper tournaments to talk about, but we do get the Star City Games Open and Classic tournaments from Indianapolis and a bevy of Magic Online decks to talk about from both the Competitive Standard Leagues as well as the Standard Mythic Championship Qualifier. Kicking things off, I’d like to take a look at the tournament meta. We have both a

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