Comments on: PucaTrade Promoted Trading When Strictly Better is just out of reach. Tue, 22 Aug 2017 01:37:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 01:37:30 +0000 It could be that, during the rapid expansion of Pucatrade in 2015, a lot of new Pucatraders who had a Snapcaster lying around sent them out, and now the copies are mostly in the hands of people who don t want to trade them out.

By: Promoted Trades – PucaTrade Response | Strictly Average – MTG Fri, 03 Feb 2017 23:36:09 +0000 […] 3, 2017 / jeremybeardsley Early this week, I posted my thoughts on Promoted Trades.  I was admittedly very critical of this new series of features.  Today one of my major fears […]

By: deepsky8 Thu, 02 Feb 2017 22:00:49 +0000 I’m torn between Jeremy and you, Erik. I certainly hope that the point sinks do bring things back to a healthy equilibrium. In the perfect world in my head, promoting would be a real “cost,” rather than just throwing points at a problem to make it go away (or make the card arrive – imperfect use of a colloquialism).

I’d love to hear some though on the benefit of fed-up users cashing out, vs. just not using their account any more. Technically, any unused account with a balance is service as a point sink, right? I understand that they won’t necessarily stop being negative while they still have points in the system. Cashing out doesn’t necessarily mean they will stop being negative either. I don’t think I have a stance on this, just curious if you see more of a benefit to one or the other.

By: jeremybeardsley Tue, 31 Jan 2017 22:36:56 +0000 I hadn’t considered your last statement. This is another valid point. I can see some people attempting to gain every ounce of value out of cards, and holding stuff that doesn’t have bounties in case they get added to list.

By: jeremybeardsley Tue, 31 Jan 2017 22:35:45 +0000 I no longer advert my special binder as possible Recip fodder, and only acquire and send Recip Fodder merely as a method of greasing the wheels for stuff I really want. I now send cards with no expectation of Reciprocals, but still keep some juicy cards to the side in case someone requires it of me.

By: Erik Tue, 31 Jan 2017 22:13:14 +0000 I actually love the feature. Yes, initially it might lead to people feeling “priced out” on certain cards, but like you said, many of those wouldn’t move without the feature (I’ve sent over 10 promoted cards I would not have traded at “normal” pricing even in real life). Overall, these cards moving and pulling points out of the system lets _your_ points become more valuable over time, which will also help shrink size of promotions slowly but surely.

Down the line you can essentially “expedite” getting cards by overpaying, and those willing to be patient can take advantage of this and gain value long term.

Also, last but not least – your point of this allowing fed up users to “cash out” is huge. Not only does it get these people out of the system with one or more cards they wanted, but it also helps reduce the number of people spreading negativity about the site in places like /r/pucatrade, something that affects point value almost more than all other factors combined.

I’d like one or two more point sinks implemented, but already the number of points is shrinking fast enough that I see people actually getting desperate to acquire more. It’s great that reciprocal trades are working for some users, but most people did not come to PucaTrade to move and acquire cards like that, and personally I actually feel reciprocal trades are quite harmful to the perceived value of PucaPoints. My hope is that Promoted Trades will take a chunk out of that trading and get people just sending cards without asking the recipient for cards to get sent back.

By: jeremybeardsley Tue, 31 Jan 2017 18:44:30 +0000 There is a number of senders that do use the leader board as a filter also. I tend to put priority on my random sends to New Users, then Leaders, then active.

By: bgray8791bgray8791 Tue, 31 Jan 2017 05:15:37 +0000 I recently went back to Puca and while I have seen the uptick in trades, I am bummed that it now is only facilitated through Discord…and Promoted Trades further hurts. Unless I am out advertising for the cards I want through these systems people are less apt to mail me anything. It is kind of a bummer. I won’t lose hope, but I keep holding out hope that people are going to make the system great again and I need to do my small part to contribute to it.

By: Craig Mon, 30 Jan 2017 06:00:49 +0000 I echo your worry about increasing the promoted cards to include everything, as that might not actually increase trading velocity (and inadvertently harm the already softened value of the Pucapoint). Why would I send a card today if I might be able to send it tomorrow for more?
