Eric has been an avid Magic fan and player since re-discovering the game in 2012. He is a Red mage at heart but likes to confuse himself with the varying decision trees presented by mid-range and control decks from time to time. Eric plays mostly casually with his 9-year-old daughter, but manages to get out for every prerelease and a few FNM's and GP's every year. Please reach out to me on twitter @edubious Watch my Twitch stream at

Ravnica Allegiance key Cards and Looking Ahead at RNA Standard

Welcome back to another installment of Strictly Standard. Last time as we said goodbye to GRN Standard I promised a look ahead at RNA Standard, and what an exciting peek into a new format is in store! Without a rotation to shake things up, there will not be a winners // losers series, but I have plenty of predictions (both reasonable and way out there)! First I’d like to start with a quick breakdown of the guilds we get in Ravnica Allegiance. Kicking things off is the guild of law and order, the Azorius Senate.  Bringing us the powerful control

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GRN Standard – That’s a Wrap

Welcome back to Strictly Standard for 2019!  It’s a new year full of new set releases and new possibilities.  Like, POSSIBLY Mono-Red won’t be good once Ravnica Allegiance releases.  Please GOD tell me Mono-Red won’t be good once Ravnica Allegiance releases…  With the lamentations of a year and a half of aggro dominating the format behind us, I wanted to take a look back at the Standard format that Guilds of Ravnica and the fall rotation gave us. Guilds of Ravnica Standard was an evolving format.  Things started out dominated by the grindy value generating Golgari decks that leverage the graveyard-filling

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Just Building Around – Surveil

Thank you for joining me in a new article series I’m calling “Just Building Around” where I take one new card from a recently released product and build a deck for it!  It could be a 4-of in constructed, or it could be a sweet legendary creature as the Commander of a new EDH deck. Either way, I will walk you through my thought process as I come up with awesome synergies, discover new cards, and in the end hopefully build a fun deck. For the inaugural session, I want to take aim at my favorite mechanic to come out

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The Pro Tour Hangover Weekend

Hi all, and welcome back to Strictly Standard!  We have a pretty good lineup of major tournament and Magic Online 5-0 results to pore over this week, and thanks to the Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica results, the metagame for the last 2 months of Standard should be settling down and solidifying around the top tier decks.  With Golgari midrange dominating the early format, it wasn’t until the past couple weeks that white-based aggro and midrange decks figured out the sideboard (and sometimes even main deck) tech of to combat the slew of ETB triggers that Golgari used to out-advantage

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