Strictly Short–Pucaing Internationally from the US

Fear of the unknown holds us back from trying new and rewarding things in all aspects of our life.  Until recently, I had never sent an overseas package on Puca Trade. I didn’t know what I was missing.  Once I opened myself up to the idea, cards that were not readily available to me suddenly became available.  I’m currently awaiting a playset of WPN Promo Path to Exiles, in Italian. (Whoo!) Today I am hoping to remove some of the mysticism around sending cards overseas and hopefully open a new world of recipients and senders to you. Receiving The is

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Strictly Short – A Want List That Works

The past week has been quiet because I’ve been enjoying some much needed family time. I’ve received an overwhelming amount of good feedback on the blog, so I wanted to find a way to get content to you and reduce the amount of lulls in the action.  Today we’re gonna try something new. Instead of a deeper more involved post, I want to publish short, concise, and highly focused post on one topic.  I’ll call these, Strictly Shorts. Go Wide, but Keep Your Focus Today’s tip is about how to mange your want list most effectively. I believe that your Wants

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