I am super excited to announce the launch of our new website. The new address for Strictly Average will now be strictlyaveragemtg.com. Thanks to the support of this amazing community and my partners on the Patreon page, I was able to upgrade to a host that is controlled entirely by myself and the rest of the SA team. This means we can do more for you, and have the flexibility to offer some really cool new features.
All of the old article links that you may have had previously, or found on Social Media should automagically redirect here. If something seems to be not working, drop me a tweet or a note on the Contact Us page.
As for my normal Wednesday content release, this site upgrade will hold the spot of the content for the week. I will return Friday with my article about my Standard RW Humans deck, the Touch My Grixis Deck, and game day fun.
Have fun and try not to break the new site,