Heyoooo friends and fans just wanted to take a brief moment to let you know that I am still here, and still committed to bringing you some awesome and fun content. The past few weeks/months have been extremely draining and stressful in my real life and put me in a crazy place when it came to creating content for you. For my lack of content, I apologize to you all immensely.
I also want to take a moment to thank my partners in the Patreon who all stuck with me for the Month of March. They are committed to making this project work and have all kept up the support. In order to thank them, I have changed the structure of the Patreon Prizes for the month of March, and am giving everyone something. All of my Patrons are entered into winning one of 3 packs of MM17, and the remaining Patrons from March are Receiving a pack of Aether Revolt. I will be posting the drawing later today. I have also added some unlisted benefits to the Patrons that are shared with them in our private Patreon packs, which includes facilitating major card sales on their behalf (allowing them to earn near TCG Mid pricing) and help to acquire hard to find staples for them.
Here are some of the upcoming articles you can expect to see on the site:
- Strictly Learns Modern + Decknology Esper Death Shadow
- Standard: Delerium Isn’t Dead Decknology
- Legacy: Mana Less Dredge Decknology
- Modern Masters 2017 Draft: Losing with the Best Deck in the Pod
- Strictly Theory: Additional Factors When Considering Financial Value
- Strictly Story Time: An Amazing Tale of My 1st Large Event (Last May, but the story is still worth it)
- If you have any topics you would like to see covered, send a note through the Contact Us Page.

Jeremy aka “Strictly Average” is an ‘average’ guy with ‘average’ plans. He is the creator and overboss of Strictly Average Gaming, which includes the Patreon group and StrictlyAverageMTG.com