Martin first caught the Magic: the Gathering bug at university in Australia in 1995, just as Fourth Edition was released (naturally just missing the era of opening dual lands in booster packs). One degree, career, marriage and two kids later, he is still slinging cards across a kitchen table with friends and is spreading the infection to the next generation via cube, EDH and multiplayer formats.
Hi everyone, and welcome back to the monthly journey through the construction of a multiplayer cube. It’s only fitting that we hit red and green as we enter the festive season! Today we’ll be looking at my own cube’s red section as an example. Let’s go! As per usual, you can catch up on all of our previous work by reading the white, blue and black articles. The Red Section Firstly, here’s what my multiplayer cube’s red section currently looks like: Red clearly has some dragon action going on here. It can manage Dragon Tribal thanks to , and .
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Hi everyone, and welcome back to our monthly journey on building a multiplayer cube. Today it’s time to look at my cube’s black section as an example! You can catch up on the rest of the series so far by looking back at the white and blue articles. But for now, let’s forge into black… The Black Section Firstly, here’s what my multiplayer cube’s black section currently looks like: Black has one big mono-colored archetype here – Zombie Tribal. You can see this straight away in the presence of the tribal lords in , and . Also in here because
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Hi everyone, welcome back to the series on building a multiplayer cube. Today we’ll be taking a journey through the blue section of my own cube as an example. You can catch up on the white section here. Okay, let’s go! The Blue Section Firstly, here’s what my blue section currently looks like: Blue has a few different archetypes going on in here. Along with classical blue control, there are two different archetypes it likes to run in combination with red – artifact themes, and Spells Matter. The artifact archetype hands us , , , , , and . Spells
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Hi everyone, and welcome back to our monthly cube discussion! This time around, I’d like to kick off a new set of articles that cover where it all began for me and my own personal cube journey – Multiplayer cube. Multiplayer? What Changes? Firstly, let’s look at what differences a multiplayer cube has over a traditional one. Having multiple opponents to dispatch generally means three things: Aggro strategies don’t work (mostly). If you’re trying to win via straight, creature-based aggro, you might be able to kill a single opponent, but you’re probably running out of gas by the time you
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