Scott Campbell, better known as MTGPackFoils, has been playing Magic since he was 17 (which was in 1993). He’s known for loving decks such as Azorius Control, Jund, and others (especially in Modern). He is a husband, father, and a former nightclub DJ.
Hello everyone. Yesterday I spoke about the Azorius cards. Today it’s Gruul’s turn so let’s dig in. Gruul Clans Initially a noble guild in charge of maintaining the wilds and natural areas of Ravnica they have nearly been written out of The Guildpact, and the laws that protect citizens of Ravnica. Left on their own this guild has become wild, savage, and ferocious looking to take back the lands it has lost…and more. Although other citizens of Ravnica view the Gruul all the same there are seven clans, the most notable The Burning Tree clan, and each one can function
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to Strictly Average MTG. It’s time to review the upcoming cards in Ravnica Allegiance, and just like I did for the Guilds of Ravnica reviews I will look at a guild each day highlighting seven cards. Why seven? Well in Magic: the Gathering we start with that many cards so it feels appropriate. I hope you enjoy this look into the cards we will be receiving in the upcoming set. Without further delay let’s begin. The Azorius Senate The Azorius Senate, founded by parun Supreme Judge Azor I, is the guild on Ravnica that not only creates but
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to Strictly Average MTG. I hope your holidays were great, and filled with hope for this new year. In a way one of the good things about going into a new year is the feeling of a clean slate. A sense of hope for what is yet to come. That’s kind of the theme for today as I provide you predictions for Magic in 2019. Why even Predict? Why? It’s fun. It’s also a form of Magic discussion that isn’t “tiers” or “best decks” or anything involved with playing the game. We can let our
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to another article here on Strictly Average MTG. It’s the end of 2018. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? It seems like it has taken forever to get here; however here we are. Let’s take a look at a few things that have happened in the world of Magic: the Gathering this past year. However before I start I do want to thank you all for reading my articles here, and for the folks at Strictly Average for bringing me on board earlier this year. While I may not be grinding out my weekends for a shot
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