Welcome back to our monthly discussion on how to create your own peasant cube on a budget! We’ve already had a go at creating a basic white section of our cube – today we’re going to look at blue. First, The Rules Again Let’s remind ourselves exactly what we’re doing here! We’re aiming for a basic 360-card cube. We’re going to fill it with cards that have seen at least one printing at a rarity of common or uncommon, and are at most $3 a copy as of the time of writing. We’re going to aim for an even color
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Running The Maze!
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Modern article by yours truly. I do really enjoy the format, and have been playing it since it’s inception. While things have changed over the years (for instance we did not have the Onslaught fetchlands in the beginning) it still does evolve over time. New cards presented in Standard give us thoughts to new decks, or at the very least provide a call back to a beloved Standard deck. In Guilds of Ravnica one card did just that sort of callback. While I won’t be using this card in today’s deck it did
Read more[Planeswalker Spotlight] Sarkhan
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Planeswalker Spotlight. This is the third installment following the spotlights on Gideon, and Sorin respectively. These decks are made to brew around a planeswalker, and try out with your friends and at FNM. Planeswalkers have been around since Lorwyn, and truly it wasn’t until Shards of Alara where they not only felt central to the story, but also cards to build around. Today I’m going to talk about one who devoted his whole life to worshiping dragons: Sarkhan Vol. Sarkhan was a soldier in the Mardu Horde who grew tired of the bloodshed
Read morePeasant Cube on a Budget – White
So we recently discussed how anyone can build a cube, and how a budget limit doesn’t prevent you from building an incredible experience. This time out, I want to touch on the format of one of my own cubes to illustrate how to start building your own. “Peasant” has a particular meaning for sixty-card decks – it’s usually a deck built from common cards, supplemented with a handful of uncommons. In Cube, it’s pretty hard to keep that ratio in place, so when we say “Peasant Cube”, we’re really just referring to a cube composed entirely of cards that are
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