Cup of Average, Episode 2: Going for Broke on MTGO without going Broke

Today over a cup of coffee, I discuss my absolute love for Manatraders. This is a great service that I have used to allow me to rent decks on MTGO, and test out any Standard Deck I want, and some Modern Decks.  It is a great tool.   Jeremy BeardsleyJeremy aka “Strictly Average” is an ‘average’ guy with ‘average’ plans. He is the creator and overboss of Strictly Average Gaming, which includes the Patreon group and

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Cup of Average, Episode 1: Pro Tour Chainwhirler… erm.. Dominaria

Good Morning Strictly Fam, (well afternoon today). Today I have something special for you, a short video, Episode 1 of a new series called Cup Of Average.  In this series, I plan to cover short mainly Magic related topics, or just spout off and ramble about whats going on in my world. Topics covered should vary, but the idea is for you guys and gals to be able to have something to watch while having your morning cup of coffee.  So join me for a cup….. Jeremy BeardsleyJeremy aka “Strictly Average” is an ‘average’ guy with ‘average’ plans. He is

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