Welcome back for some more Arena Standard Action! Today we will be trying a slow and steady wins the race approach with a Control deck that I have been playing around with for a bit. We are going to explore Sultai Control. Sultai stands out to me as I get to play one of my favorite new cards: . Anyone who knows me know that has always been a long-time favorite of mine and I love to brew with the card! (ask me about some of those attempts sometime). In addition to the chance to get in some reps with

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Cube construction

Peasant Cube on a Budget – Colorless

Hi everyone, welcome back to our monthly chat on how to construct a peasant cube on a budget! We’re now through the five mono-colored sections, and (some would say) into the really interesting corners. Today, we’ll look at how to create an example colorless section of the cube. But First, the Rules Before we go charging in, let’s remind ourselves of what we’re trying to achieve here: We’re aiming to build a 360-card cube We’re going to stick to the rules of Peasant construction – only cards that have had at least one printing at a rarity of common or

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[The Colors of Modern] Part 4: The Shards

Hi everybody, and welcome back to another Modern article here on Strictly Average MTG. This article series continues to explore the possible combination of decks available in the format by highlighting a known deck in each possible color configuration. So far here is what I have covered: Mono Colored decks Allied Colored decks Enemy Colored decks Today I’m going to go over color combination collectively known as the Shards. Released in September of 2008 Shards of Alara was initially not well received. It was an adventure through a multicolored world driven heavily by story events that took place in other parts

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Fun with Heroic Goblin Visitation in Standard

Before I get into discussing this deck, I wanted to give a brief sidebar, an update from the Main Cave over here at Strictly Place. As some of you may have noticed, I haven’t been active on the content side; this isn’t only the case for content but pretty much everything gaming and fun related.  Last year I was forced to take an unexpected break from buying/selling, interacting with patrons, and writing content due to a medical issue combined with other personal matters.  In this time, the team has done an amazing job of keeping the ball rolling. As I

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