I’ve been thinking about how to write this article for a few weeks now and I have come to the conclusion that I want it to be from my perspective as a new player to the format attending his first real “Old School” event. So I arrive about 30 minutes early to the Union House Brewery in Providence seeing as how I’m in charge of signing people up and doing all the round pairings. Turns out the bar doesn’t open until 11:30 but I wasn’t the only early bird. I got to meet Jared a member of New England Old
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Old School: The Eternal Struggle
It has been a while since I last wrote here (6 months, in fact!), which also coincides with the limited opportunities I get to play face-to-face games. But much has transpired- new decks have been built, ideas have continued to percolate, a new format tried out…and prices on our beloved cards have continued to blow through every ceiling that was previously ‘all-time high’. For those of you that caught my title pun, I didn’t actually play V:TES back in the day. Decipher Star Wars CCG ate up my disposable income once I moved on from Magic, and now that I think
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